Code of Conduct for DPDHL Group Suppliers

The Deutsche Post DHL Group (DPDHL) is the world's leading logistics company. The Group connects people and markets, acting as a facilitator of global trade. It aspires to be the preferred choice for customers, employees, and investors worldwide. Deutsche Post DHL operates under two major brands: DHL offers a broad range of international parcel and express shipping services, freight transportation, supply chain management services, and e-commerce logistics solutions. Deutsche Post is Europe's leading provider of postal and parcel services. The Group contributes to the world by adopting measures to minimize its environmental footprint, providing a safe, inclusive, and motivating work environment, helping the communities in which it operates, and adhering to trustworthy, transparent, and compliant business practices.

We are fully aware of our responsibilities derived from our activities. Therefore, we have imposed a strict set of ethical standards that guide our business relationships. We expect all our suppliers, including subcontractorsā€”that is, all companies doing business with any company or division of the DPDHL Groupā€”to comply with these same ethical standards. For this reason, the DPDHL Group has drafted this Supplier Code of Conduct (SCoC), which establishes the minimum standards for doing business with any company or business unit of the Group.


The supplier must comply with all laws applicable to its business. The supplier must support the principles of the United Nations Global Compact, the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the International Labour Organization Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of 1998; all in accordance with national laws and practices. This applies especially to:



The supplier will not employ children who do not meet the legal minimum working age in any country or local jurisdiction. The supplier must observe a minimum working age of 15 years, even where local law permits the employment of younger children. Workers under 18 will only perform tasks in compliance with the legal requirements of the country in which they are employed (e.g., concerning working hours and working conditions) and subject to any existing requirements regarding education or training.


DigiHaul The supplier will not use any form of forced labor, servitude, involuntary labor, or any modern form of slavery. All work must be voluntary. Workers must retain control of their identification documents (e.g., passports, work permits, or any other personal legal documents). The supplier must ensure that workers do not pay fees or make any payments to secure employment during the recruitment process or the employment period. The supplier is responsible for all payments and expenses (e.g., licenses and levies) related to workers, where legally required. Punishments, psychological and/or physical coercion, and any other form of human trafficking are prohibited. Disciplinary policies and procedures must be clearly defined and communicated to workers.


The supplier must comply with all applicable national laws and mandatory industry standards on working hours, including overtime, breaks, and paid leave. The supplier must compensate its workers in accordance with national minimum wage laws and relevant collective agreements, as well as industry standards. The supplier must pay workers on time and clearly explain the basis on which they are being paid (i.e., provide work documentation in a language they understand). Wage deductions as a disciplinary measure are not permitted unless legally allowed.


The supplier's employees must be free to join a union and/or elect a workers' representative body of their choice, free from threats or intimidation. The supplier acknowledges and respects the right to collective bargaining in accordance with national laws in force.


The supplier must promote an inclusive work environment that values the diversity of its employees.

The supplier must be committed to providing equal opportunities and not discriminating or tolerating any form of discrimination or harassment based on gender, ethnicity, nationality, race, color, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by law.


The supplier must comply with current data protection laws, including the security of personal data, and respective regulations such as the GDPR, especially regarding the personal data of customers, consumers, employees, and shareholders. The supplier must meet all requirements described when personal data is collected, recorded, stored, processed, transmitted, used, or deleted.

The information security requirements applicable to suppliers regarding any data entrusted to them during and after their collaboration with the DPDHL Group are based on international standards such as the Information Security Management Code of Practice. Suppliers should be aware of the need to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. The required level of information security and control that suppliers must ensure will always correspond to the sensitivity, value, and relevance of the information processed throughout the information lifecycle.

The supplier must safeguard and make strictly appropriate use of confidential information. The supplier must comply with all contractual data protection and information security requirements and must not disclose any information that is not publicly known.


The supplier must comply with all applicable national and international anti-corruption laws and regulations. The supplier will not offer, provide, or accept (directly or indirectly) anything of value to improperly influence an action or to secure an undue advantage to obtain or retain business. This includes so-called facilitation payments or other favors granted to public officials for non-discretionary routine actions.


The supplier must comply with all relevant laws and regulations on export controls, sanctions, and customs, including prohibitions and restrictions ("trade laws"). The supplier must ensure, especially, that the supplier itself, its beneficial owner(s), all its agents, and any subcontractors it employs, are not listed on any applicable sanctions lists for denied entities.


The supplier must comply with applicable laws and regulations designed to combat money laundering activities. The supplier must maintain records and financial reports in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.


The supplier must comply with applicable laws and regulations designed to combat money laundering activities. The supplier must maintain records and financial reports in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.


No vendemos, compartimos, alquilamos ni comerciamos con la informaciĆ³n que hemos recopilado sobre usted, incluida la informaciĆ³n personal. No compartimos su InformaciĆ³n Personal con terceros para fines de marketing directo de dichos terceros, a menos que usted lo dĆ© su consentimiento en el momento de facilitar sus Datos Personales.


A conflict of interest is any personal or financial interest, any business or personal activity or relationship, previous or current employment, or any obligation that could interfere with the ability to objectively fulfill job duties and responsibilities or undermine independence and objectivity. Such conflict of interest situations include critical relationships, such as blood or marital relationships, an association, or an investment or stake in business partners or competitors. The supplier must immediately disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest related to its activities with the DPDHL Group.


The supplier must comply with all current environmental laws, regulations, and standards, and implement an effective system to identify and eliminate potential environmental hazards and threats. We expect our suppliers to strive to contribute to the DPDHL Group's commitments to environmental and climate protection with the products and services they offer, which should be provided efficiently, considering their environmental impact. The DPDHL Group also expects its suppliers to present relevant data on environmental and climate protection when requested by DPDHL. We also expect our suppliers to consider environmental and climate protection in their operations, for example, by setting and achieving climate protection goals.


The supplier must comply with all applicable laws and due diligence obligations regarding the sourcing of minerals and materials from conflict-affected and high-risk areas that could contribute to human rights abuses, corruption, the financing of armed groups, or other similar negative effects.


The DPDHL Group encourages its suppliers to collaborate with their local communities and participate in initiatives and activities that reflect the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.


The supplier must be prepared for any contingencies in their business (e.g., natural disasters, terrorism, supply chain disruptions, infectious disease outbreaks such as epidemics or pandemics, cybersecurity issues, cyberattacks). This preparation must include business continuity plans that protect both employees and the environment from the effects of potential major disruptions in operations.


The supplier will implement equivalent standards, for example, regarding ethics, as established in this Supplier Code of Conduct, towards their own suppliers, within the framework of fulfilling their contractual obligations.


All suppliers must act and interact respectfully and in good faith with DPDHL Group employees. Suppliers will give due care to the use of property and equipment entrusted to them, treating them as if they were their own. All suppliers will be especially careful when using elements or materials bearing the registered trademark or distinctive mark of the DPDHL Group, as any of their actions or activities may be associated with the DPDHL Group. Unauthorized use of materials or equipment bearing the DPDHL Group's mark or distinctive sign must be avoided. Even the mere appearance of inappropriate behavior will be considered misuse of materials or equipment bearing the DPDHL Group's mark or distinctive sign.


The DPDHL Group reserves the right to verify compliance with the requirements of this Code, for example, through self-assessments and audits, either conducted by the DPDHL Group or by third parties. The supplier must strive for continuous improvement by setting quantifiable goals related to the environment, working conditions, or diversity, and communicating progress in sustainability, among other things. If a violation is detected, the supplier must draft an incident report and present a corrective action plan. The terms and conditions of this Supplier Code of Conduct reflect the values of the DPDHL Group and its commitment to its customers, the communities it serves, and environmental protection. Therefore, any violation of these terms and conditions must be remedied. Without prejudice to any other contractual remedies available to DPDHL, if the violation is not immediately remedied, the DPDHL Group will consider terminating the business relationship.


The DPDHL Group invites anyone who wishes to report any contravention of the terms of this Code to email [email protected]. If you wish to report a suspected violation of the law, you may contact the DPDHL Group Compliance Office via


We encourage the supplier to proactively approach the DPDHL Group with innovative ideas that contribute to further improving the social, economic, or environmental environment. The DPDHL Group values the frank exchange of new ideas and wishes to explore new opportunities in cooperation with its suppliers.

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